+33 (0) 9 81 24 00 06 contact@opus-technologies.fr

Our values

Our expertise :

Strong of its expertise on the hearing accessibility market, Opus Technologies products are designed to deliver the best hearing condition in every public building. Our homemade range of products provides a long and solid working life, even in extreme use of conditions.

These elements allow us to fit the IEC 60118-4 standard and to set a 5-year warranty.


For striving for a hearing accessibility in every public buildings, Opus Technologies is constantly searching new opportunities to share its believes.

Our modeling software Smartloop shows up as an evidence. Smartlooop is a powerful tool designed for the creation of complex modeling. It allows us to provide accurate technical studies for each project.


Even if functionalities are the core of the product, design still very important too. In this context, Opus Technologies aims at meeting efficiency and style such as the e-Loop.


Following our strategy, Opus Technologies is determined to promote its range of products all around the world. Already, presents in most of the European countries, Opus Technologies wants to expand its boundaries, by supporting the hearing accessibility to everyone.